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002 みんなみんなありのまま Every thing can be natural

 それは、オーストラリアに住むわたしの友達が教えてくれたもので、少し前に問題になっていた石油会社がメキシコで海を汚染していることに対しての抗議活動で、全世界で同じ日にわたしたちの海を守るためにみんなで手をつないで写真をとり石油会社に送るというものだった(Hands Across The Sand)。



 わたしにはまったく意味が理解できなかった。なぜただみんなで手をつなぎ写真を撮ることができないのか? なぜ人に声をかけることが出来ないのか? こんなに大事なことなのに。




 それは時々とてもすばらしい日本の文化。文化や国民性に良いとか悪いはない。 そして日本人はみんなほんとうにやさしい。実際にそんな謙虚でやさしくて空気の読める日本人が大好きな外国人はたくさんいて、だからこそ日本人の女の子はとても外国人の男性に人気があるし日本人はどこに言っても信頼される。







I had joined kind of protest movement that Hand Across The Sand.
My australian friend told me about that. Actually,
that movement was for keeping the ocean from the oil company
(check it out in a internet).
So, we tried to hand in hand and take a photo on the beach.
When i got the station,i could meet only two person who are American japanese and Japanese guy. They were like a my moms jeneration.
She said to me "I sent e-mail to some japanese univercity.
But nobady's here. We're only three. But,
it's gonna be a big meaniing of doing.!"
I agreed with her, and we've been to the beach.
It was Saturday. So, many people were there.
We tried to ask the people. But, it was pretty big job for the only three us.
So, we asked to staff about we can use the speaker or not.
But, they said about we can't use a speaker,
not even take a photo for that kind of movement.
I could'nt understand why not... Because,
we just hand in hand and taking a photo.
We didn't make a Loud and any another trouble. Also,
i really surprised that when we asked the people, some people said
"How long do you take a time for that?" or "I don't have a time.".

I could'nt understand at all that why they didn't even have a time for just taking a photo in the daytime in the holiday at the park .
Why they're so busy always. Becouse, if i don't have a time,
i don't go the park. I want to have a relax at the park.
Also, some of them looked like don't prefer make themself conspicuous and avoided us, to me.

Last year, I've been to N.Y and Wood Stock with my friend. Becouse,
my friend had a exhibitoon about peace of the world at N.Y and Wood Stock, I've met many people who interested in
world things and culuture and social probrem.
Also, they had energy and they did't give up any things. So,
i felt like a it's will be change the world foolishly.
We have a lot of rule and commonsense.
Sometimes its so severe to the people. Especialy japan, we have a lot.
My foreigner friends usually ask me a question about
"Can i do like that in Japan?"
Becaus, they head about "a many rule in Japan" in them country.
So, they care to be polite always. Sometimes,
i feel like a they are Japanese more than me.
Many foreigners live in Japan.
They are quite different than foreigners who i met in Australia and America. Also, when i was Australia,
some of my foreigner friends asked me that sometimes japanese think too seriously and don't answer quick even simple qestion like a "Do you want to come back now?" or "Are you tired?" or "Would you like to drink?" or some questions that like a you can answer with yes or no.

I thought becouse of japanese culture.
Becouse, we usually prefer make a hermony in the groupe.
So, in the group we have to care the other and do same behavior and have a similer opinion with other.
Especialy in the work or something like a formal.
I can't say all japanese or all situation.
But, we are island and have a that kind of that trait actually.
Thats sometimes a pretty awsome japanese culuture.
That's culture. So, i did'nt say good or bad. Japanese are so kind always. Actually, many foreigner's prefer and respect that
culuture and they love japanese.
Thats why, japanese girls are very popular with foreigner guys actually.
Also japanese are trusted by many people anywhere in the world.
But, sometimes i feel caged in. I can't say only japan or japanese.
We call that "Reading the atmosphere".
And, many people think about it's very important to have a communication.

If we're going to be free, We can enjoy in our life more and more.
We can do anything.
We can' t do like a hurt someone or something like a vicious behavior of curse. I mean, we can think by ourselves and have a opinion respectively.
If someone do a different with your thought,
you can ask and describe your thought.
If you mind something, you can do something for that.
If you don't want, you don't have to.

We have different character and experience and age and sexcial.
So we have a different opinion. Thats a quite usual.
It's impossible to everything put same rule.
You don't have to think about what's an atmosphere now.
It's not everything that you can see. Is appearance so important for you?
We have a lot ofanswer except good or bad.

I think that...
If everyone can be free and think and feel by themselves each other and accept all the people unaffectedly.
And then be kind to everyone.
Everyone will be happy more and more in the world. How do you think that?




Only one



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